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                                  No.110, Lunrao Rd., Yongjing Township, Changhua County 512, Taiwan (R.O.C.)




To whom it may concern,

        This is Ren-Ting Liu, also known as Timothy. I’m now in JIH LIN TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD as an information engineer. I take charge in barcode project manager, software engineer, hardware engineer and Excel lecturer. I developed label system for Quality Control to reduce label print time by 50%. I used VB in Bartender software as well as to customize data which is customers needed. Within being projector manager, I understand how to communicate with related departments and realize workflow to design the customized system.

        Otherwise, I get used to Excel function and VBA program to deal with problems such as developing annual leave for Labor Standard Acts, calculating KPI of IT section and compiling weekly reports automatically. I am also an Excel lecturer as the same time. In this position, I realize how to modify teaching materials for colleagues’ need to apply to their routine work.

        Being a hardware engineer, the period of fixing equipment, I learn how to get the problem of device’s malfunction and fix them immediately without carelessness.

        I graduated from Chi-Nan University and earned a master degree. I major in Information Management. There are four members including me in my housefamily. We live in countryside and have a joyful environment. I am interested in mathematics and teaching. In addition to teaching, I became teaching assistant of Operations Research and Calculus class and have Excellent Teaching Assistant award. Logic in math can let me know the association between the incidents and make me do things quickly and logically. And teaching can help me to know how to simplify knowledge to help students to understand it quickly. I participated in International Conference in Thailand and Japan. I know the importance of presentation with English from this experience and I’m sure that I have confidence on presenting in front of publics.

        I utilize C# programming, OpenGL tool and Maple software to depict calligraphy with my team college members and have excellent award. In this experience, I found that team work is important and create more suggestions than those from person to share out to help and benefit the team.




Ren-Ting Liu

Ren-Ting Liu

Curriculum Vitae

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